League Information

Monday, February 28, 2011


Set Up
  • 10 cups a side
  • Table Size: Pool table
  • Water cup: optional
  • Gameplay for a fresh match is initiated by one player from each team making eye contact with the other, and shooting blindly on the count of 3 at the opposing team's cups. The first team to hit gets the first shot.
  • After the first match, the established winner from the previous match shoots first in all subsequent matches.
  • Elbows: No rule, waist must be behind the table's back edge
  • Rerack: 2, shooter's choice of shape, beginning of turn only
  • If a cup is hit, the ball stay in the cup until after the second player shoots
  • 2 hits in different cups in same round = shoot again
  • 2 hits in same cup = 3 cups (cup that was hit plus 2 of defender's choice) and shoot again
  • bounce = 2 cups, bounces can be swatted. Can't hit cup first.
  • Finger/Blow: If the ball hits the rim and spins in the cup before hitting the water, the defending team can attempt to finger hook or blow the ball out of the cup. "Guys finger, Bitches blow"
  • Interference: If a defending player interferes with the ball in flight or blocks the cups in any way, interference is called, invoking a penalty of 2 cups.
Ending the game
  • the game is ended when all opposing cups have been hit
  • if the last cup is hit by 1 shot, the opposing team is allowed a rebuttal
  • 2 hits in last cup ends game, no rebuttal
  • Rebuttal: The losing team shoots at the remaining cups. If a hit is scored, the player who hit that cup gets to shoot again. This continues until both players have missed or all remaining cups are hit, the latter forcing overtime
  • 3 cups in triangle
  • The team that hit all the cups during regular play shoots first
  • Rebuttal rules apply - teams play through as many overtimes as is necessary to end the game

First Post

Welcome to the official page of the Bailey's Tuesday Night Beer Pong League. This page is intended to house the stats for all to see, as well as discuss various beer pong related topics and events. Cheers